Appointment of Puisne Judge, Republic of Seychelles 94 views

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A new vacancy exists for the position of Puisne Judge in the Supreme Court of Seychelles.

The Judge will preside over the Commercial Court, which is soon to be established. The Judge will also be assigned with cases under the Anti-Corruption Act; the Anti-Money Laundering Act; Prevention of Terrorism Act and the Proceeds of Crimes Act, and should therefore be experienced and proficient in these areas.

The Supreme Court has original power under the Constitution to hear and determine civil and criminal matters, supervisory jurisdiction over other courts and Tribunals, and original and appellate jurisdiction as granted to it by the Constitution or any Act. A Judge of the Supreme Court may be co-opted to the Court of Appeal at the request of the President of the Court of Appeal to sit on specific cases where the Court of Appeal requires it. The Supreme Court also sits as the Constitutional Court of Seychelles to determine questions relating to the application, contravention, enforcement or interpretation of the Constitution.

Applications are invited from persons who are suitably qualified in law under Article 126(1) of the Constitution of Seychelles.

The selected candidate shall adhere to the provisions of the Constitution and Judicial Code of Ethics (both documents can be accessed on Seylii).

The salary, pension, gratuity, allowances and benefits attached to the position are set out in Section 9(1) of the Judiciary Act No. 9 of 2008, as amended by Acts 16 of 2009 and 28 of 2013.

The attention of applicants is drawn to the Constitutional Appointments Authority Rules (CAA Rules) on the “Selection and Appointment of Judicial Officers”, in particular Schedule 2,  which can be viewed and downloaded under CAA Documents from the Authority’s website

Schedule 2 of the CAA Rules duly filled including detailed CV, legal qualifications should be forwarded by email to addressed to the Office of the Chairman, the Constitutional Appointments Authority on or before Friday 7th February 2025.

For any queries, please telephone: +248 4322504/4323991

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