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- Industry Government Organisation
- Company Phone +248 281 1295 / 264 0441 / 250 1555
The Procurement of Consultancy Services to develop a 5-year business plan for the Baie Lazare Watershed Committee.
The Programme and Development Coordination Section (PDCS) under the Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment (MACCE) is inviting suitably qualified consultant to provide “Consultancy Services to develop a 5-year business plan for the Baie Lazare Watershed Committee”. The EOI is expected to lead to a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the above- mentioned consultancy Service from listed applicants.
The Expression of Interest (EoI) Document containing:
i. Background & Objective of the consultancy
ii. Terms of Reference
iii. Instruction to the Consultants
iv. Qualification criteria
v. Evaluation Criteria
Can be collected/obtained from the address below as from 04th February 2025 to 10th February 2025, between 9.00am to 3.00pm.
Ministry of Agriculture Climate Change and Environment
1st Floor, House of Francis, Ile du Port
P.O. Box 445 Victoria, Mahe, Republic of Seychelles
Tel. No. (248) 2811295/2640441/2501555
via E-mail to, and cc’d to
It is compulsory for all interested applicants to collect the EOI Document before submitting any responses to this EOI.
The eligible candidates must submit their responses in sealed envelope marked “Consultancy Services to develop a 5-year business plan for the Baie Lazare Watershed Committee” to the above-mentioned address no later than 2.00 pm (Seychelles Time) on 14th February 2025 at 2pm.
No responses will be accepted after the deadline.
Only the applicants meeting the qualification criteria shall be shortlisted.
Bid document will be subsequently issued to the shortlisted applicants only.